Why Donate?
Your support empowers the 557 Army Cadets and helps shape the future of our youth. 

The 557 Support Committee is dedicated to helping the youth of our community develop strong character and live healthy lives through sports training, athletic activities, educational learning, achievement and citizenship offered by the Army Cadet Program. We accept gifts and donations that help promote this mission.

How Do Donations Help Army Cadets?

Your generous donations and kind gift contributions help us reduce operational costs and allocate resources more effectively, improve our financial flexibility by allowing us to use funds for other essential needs of the Youth Cadet Program. In-kind donations also reduce the time it takes for us to purchase and deliver essential products and services to youth in need. It also gives you a chance to see exactly where your donation goes and how it benefits the youth who participate in the army cadet charitable program in Brampton. Your generosity will help creating a positive environmental impact. 

Where Do My Donations Go?

Your contributions will help us continue to provide a high-quality, and enhanced training program to all our cadets that are free of charge and available to all youth, male and female, ages 12 to 18 years of age from various economic and cultural backgrounds.

Your donations enable us to cover the numerous expenses associated with the following activities:


Thank you for your support. We couldn't do it without you!
Registered Charity No. 108071572 RR0001